
Craft stories that hold relevance, that inspire, that resonate & motivate.
Let’s create an an impactful impression on people.
One that is lasting, mutually shared & becomes a discussion point.


I moved to the Gulf in 2010 chasing dreams of world travel, a new adventure & a refreshed career. It delivered. I’ve now been making content for over a decade now, travelled to nearly 60 countries and call Dubai home. My time here gives me a unique insight into the multiculturalism of the region, understanding the subtle nuances while building a network of filmmakers & creatives by founding the industry community Like Minds.
I’m also a beachhead advisor to New Zealand Trade & Enterprise on Film Production with a goal of creating a co-production agreement with the region.


I like to create a memorable impression of a brand. My style is distinguished by an appreciation for a quality, cinematic image while sometimes taking inspiration stylistically through a nostalgic 1980s-1990s approach.
I tend to focus on three main types of films:
1) Comedy
2) Lifestyle/Emotive Storytelling
3) Action/Drama


I really enjoy the creative process. From ideation and finding inspiration through to final execution. I like to partner and collaborate with everyone involved, trulling analysing the film’s purpose, who it’s targeting and impression it will leave on viewers.

So let’s get to work and create something relevant together.